Storage:Store at -20℃,6 months
Determination of Significance:
Transhydrogenase (TH) is located in the inner membrane of mitochondria, also as known as Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex VI. The enzyme catalyzes the mutual conversion of NADH+NADP+ and NAD++NADPH, and regulate the balance between NAD (H) and NADP (H) in mitochondria. The reverse reaction is called TH-2, which catalyzes NADPH and NAD+ to generate NADP+ and NADH.
Measurement Principle:
Both NADH and NADPH have characteristic absorption peak at 340 nm, therefore, the hydrogen transfer reaction catalyzed by TH cannot has a absorbance change at 340 nm. Replaces NAD+ with 3-acetylpyridyl adenine dinucleotide (APAD+, synthetic substrate), TH-2 can catalyzes APAD+ reduction to APADH and the reaction product has a characteristic absorption peak at 375 nm. In this kit, the TH-2 activity is quantified by measuring the rate of increase in light absorption at 375 nm.
Self Provided:
Spectrophotometer/microplate reader, water bath, desk centrifuge, water bath, adjustable transferpettor, micro quartz cuvette/96 well plate (96 UV plate), mortar/homogenizer, ice and distilled water.
Note:Product information may be optimized and upgraded. Please refer to the actual label information for accuracy.